Our Services

Newsleter Preparation Service


Newsleter Preparation Service

Newsletter is considered to be a great online marketing tool that can provide good information by distributing updated news, articles, promos, recent events and special offers among corporations and communities.

We are specialized in creating & managing your newsletter as per your requirement. We will assist you with every aspect of newsletter creation process, design, distribution and mailing.

We can provide you many design options and it there is any special design we can also create custom design for the newsletter.

We have our own software and using your mailing lists we will mail or email your newsletter as per your schedule to the thousands of clients in a few seconds.

We will publish your newsletter regularly and the newsletter is available for your comments, edits and final approval.

You will have to provide just an account, and we manage your all mailing list.

We are also doing Manual email templates. You can send it through outlook or any bulk mailing software.

If you need any further assistance, please wirte us at enquiry@jobs2india.com

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